Friday, February 10, 2012

"Eaton-Well" Company Challenge Kicks Off


On Monday, February 6th, four company teams tipped the scales for the first annual “Eaton-Well” company challenge held at the Eaton Rapids Medical Center.
The goal of “Eaton-Well” is to engage Eaton County residents to live a healthier lifestyle at their workplace through a friendly, county-wide company challenge, similar to the popular TV show “Biggest Loser”.
The competition was inspired by the positive efforts made by local health initiatives like “Building Healthy Communities” and other efforts toward improving our State’s Obesity problem. It’s also a great way to start 2012 with a meaningful goal and seeing the end result right before Spring Break. The competition will be facilitated by Eaton Rapids Medical Center and Eaton County United Way.
This year four teams will vie for the $500 team prize, and a perpetual trophy:
-Eaton Federal Savings Bank
-Capital Area Michigan Works in Eaton County
-Island City Academy
-Eaton Clothing & Furniture
Additionally, there will be a special individual achievement award and a $500 gift voucher in the team’s name for “Project Fresh” vouchers for families in need to purchase fresh produce from the local “Farmer’s Market”. The competition will run from February 6th through March 28th.
During the course of the competition each team will designate a team captain who will be responsible for monitoring the team’s weekly progress and will provide information and resources for his team’s health plan through tips and ideas offered by ERMC’s health works trainer and other health partners.
Each team will be required to “weigh-in” each week certified by the Eaton Rapid’s Medical Center’s Health Works Fitness Center. The center will post time and availability to help accommodate each team member’s schedule.
The “Eaton-Well” company challenge have four companies: Each company have five individuals representing their company/organization in an eight-week weight loss effort by total team percentage.
During the eight weeks, each team will have a minimum one site-visit from the “Eaton-Well” partners at the workplace for a brief orientation on health and wellness.
According to Timothy Johnson, CEO of Eaton Rapids Medical Center, both ERMC and Hayes Green Beach Memorial encourage efforts such as this because it becomes a cost savings to the employer and to the community-at-large doing preventative and holistic measures to build a healthy community.
Each week we will be closely following and monitoring the efforts from each team. You can follow on twitter @EatonCountyUW or our Facebook page.
Kudos and best of luck to our team participants!

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