Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Car Air-Conditioning can be Detrimental to Health

Not many people really take the time to read their car owner's manual.  One hot, humid day while waiting in my air conditioned car for my son to grab a few items from the grocery store, I decided to kill time and read the owners manual.  When it came to A/C protocols, the book instructs you to roll down the windows to let out all the hot air before turning on A/C.

I asked myself "why?"  A week later I received an email alert from kin on this matter and dropped my jaw. Car Air-conditioning can cause illness and possibly cancer!  No wonder more folks are dying from cancer than ever before. We wonder where this stuff comes from but here is an example that explains a lot of the cancer causing incidents.

Many people are in their cars first thing in the morning and the last thing at Night, 7 days a week.  During the hot summer season - especially when families are on vacation travel, the "hidden" effect of hazardous fumes may plague upon you and your family and not even know it!

You should NOT turn on A/C as soon as you enter the car. Open the windows after you enter your car and then turn ON the AC after a couple of minutes. According to research, the car dashboard, seats, air freshener emit Benzene, a Cancer causing toxin (carcinogen - take time to observe the smell of heated plastic in your car). In addition to causing cancer, Benzene poisons your bones, causes anemia and reduces white blood cells. Prolonged exposure will cause Leukemia, increasing the risk of cancer and could also cause miscarriage.

Acceptable Benzene level indoors is 50 milligrams per square foot.  A car parked indoors with windows closed will contain 400-800 mg of Benzene. If parked outdoors under the sun at a temperature above 60 degrees, the Benzene level goes up to 2000-4000 mg- 40 times the acceptable level. People who get into the car, keeping windows Closed will inevitably inhale, in quick succession, excessive amounts of the toxin.

Benzene is a toxin that affects your kidney and liver.. What's worse, it is extremely difficult for your body to expel this toxic chemical. So friends, please open the windows and door of your car - give time for car interior to air out and dispel the deadly stuff - before you enter.

Thought: 'When someone shares something of value with you and you benefit from it, you have a moral obligation to share it with others.' This is what snopes.com says. It is not the air conditioning in the car but the Benzene producing agents that cause cancer.

Check it out: http://www.snopes.com/medical/toxins/benzene.asp

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